Way to GLOW, Reed Owls! We had so much fun celebrating hitting our fundraising goal at the Glow Rally.

We are so proud of our students, staff and community who gave their resources and EXTRA KINDNESS over the last few weeks during the Kindness Quest Fundraiser.

And an extra HUGE thank you to our friends at New View Roofing who helped motivate our students with $4,000 in matching funds!

PTA does their best to stretch every dollar and we thank you all for entrusting us with that privilege. If you'd like to get more involved, this is the perfect time. We are putting together the team for next year. Please fill out the google form to say you want to talk to someone about a position. Fresh ideas and new members are always welcome!

Fill out the interest form here.




 It's time to get ready for the Allen Eagle Run!

Saturday, March 8th


Register Now!


Now in its 17th year, the Allen ISD Eagle Run hosted by the Foundation For Allen Schools has become a beloved annual community tradition! The race benefits the Foundation along with Allen ISD PTA Council and all Allen ISD PTA programs. The Eagle Run involves your choice of a (1) 1-mile Fun Run/Walk, (2) 5K Run/Walk, (3) a Sleep in Entry, or (4) a Virtual Racer.


It's going to be a year to remember and, as always, this event is perfect for the whole family. Whether you come in person, choose the sleep-in option, or select to take part virtually, you can feel good knowing that your participation has a direct impact on students and teachers in all Allen ISD Schools!




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"Reed Elementary PTA - Allen, TX"


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Please answer the membership questions.

They help keep the group safe and free from spam. 





Upcoming Events

Click here to see full calendar.


Email treasurer@reedpta.org for more information!