Since 1909 the Texas PTA has made available the Honorary Lifetime Membership as one of the highest honors that may be presented to individuals for outstanding service to children and youth. The recipient does not have to be a PTA member nor must the service for which the honor has been bestowed be connected with the PTA. The only requirement for receiving a Texas PTA Honorary Lifetime Membership is that the recipient is making or has made a worthwhile contribution to the well-being of children and youth. Individuals may be volunteers, staff, parents or teachers. 



Gene M. Elementary Jr. Elementary PTA Lifetime Membership Awardees:


Amy Walsh
Ann Reagan
April Hernandez
Barb Dill
Beth DeMahy
Beth Helms
Bettye Stagner
Beverly Cheatham
Bob Wilks
Brionna Lutrick
Carla Watson

Cathy Wolf
Cherie Wiederrich
Cheryl Lawson
Christi Stinchcomb
Christine Patterson
Cindy Wilson
Dana Swindle
Deb Tietjen
Debbie Hamm
Denise Bender
Dianne Ellis
Donna Esfandiari
Donna Gilson
Dr. Norma Lewis
Elizabeth Stephens
Gayla Kindler
Gene M. Reed, Jr.
Jacquie Avery
Jaime Scott
James Parker
Jamie Barnes
Jan Wagner

Janie Sheridan
Jeanne Marie Thomas
Jeff Noble
Jennifer Graham
Jennifer Mingee
Jenny Felker
Jill Dietz
Joyce Mattox
Judy Farmer
Jules Casey
Julie Spielman
Julie Wilmoth
Katie Chong
Kerri Smith
Kristal Fortney
Kristina Starling
Laura Dindak
Laura Hinz
Laura Ulmer
Lisa Schobert
Liz Brier
Lois Lindsey
Lori Hebel
LouAn Moore
Lynn Wagner
Mary Legge
Mary McDonald
Mea Riddle
Melissa Nutt-Stockton
Mellisa Bird
Michele Gomez

Michelle Gallus
Minetta Smith
Monique Cadwell

Nancy McGhee
Nancy Springfield
Nancy Swift
Patti Runyan
Rachel Kaiser
Rancy Riley
Raymond Yucuis
Sarah Gosdin
Sarah Wilson
Shannon Ivey
Sheryl Fruehling
Sonja Crisp
Steve Forster
Sue Marquis
Sue Ricker
Susan Hendrix
Susan Noble
Susan Steiner
Susanne Miller
Tammy Chase
Teri Carlo
Terri Hurst
Theresa Coffey
Thresa Clements

Tina Puckett
Tony Driggers
Vicki Hart
Vicki Wyckoff
Wannie Graft            

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