Many hands make light work, and Reed PTA would love to have your help! There are so many ways to contribute. You can help before, during or after an event, drop off supplies, make phone calls about donations, or even assemble or prep things at home. 


STEP 1: Do your annual "AISD Volunteer Application" (aka the background check)

To volunteer on campus, or chaperone a field trip, you must go through the Allen ISD volunteer screening process (background check). The approval process can take up to two weeks, so be sure you allow plenty of time! AISD Volunteer Application


STEP 2: Sign up!

Jump down to the current volunteer sign up lists.


STEP 3: Get more involved!

Are you interested in being on a committee or chairing a project? Click here to see a list of committees and other open positions.


If you don't see something here you want to do, or you see a need for a new project or program, tell us by filling out this Google form.


If you have any questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Louise Vega, at


Current Volunteer Sign Ups


COFFEE CART (September 18th)
Hand out coffee and treats to Reed staff.

CONTACT: Kamrin Cloutier (

Coffee Cart Sign Up



Help Mrs. Williams, Reed Librarian, shelve returned books and tidy up the library each week.

DATE: Tuesdays or Wednesdays
ongoing through the school year

Library Helper Sign Up



Staff would love your help making copies for their classes. A brief training will be held on Friday, September 20th at 9:30am. A sign up will be sent to those who receive training.

If you plan to attend training, please email Louise at


September 25 - October 4
Book Fair Sign Up
*For questions specific to Book Fair, please contact our Book Fair Chair, Katy Sietzler, at
Help students say "cheese" and wait patiently for their turn.
DATE: Thursday, October 10



Thursday, October 3rd at 5:30-7:30pm

Sign Up coming soon!