Reed families,


We are excited to announce our Spring Fundraiser at Reed Elementary. We are on a quest for kindness while we reach for our goal to raise $10,000! Students are encouraged to do acts of kindness for each donation they receive. These funds support vital programs that benefit our students and teachers such as:

  • 3rd Annual Reed STEAM Night
  • Staff Appreciation Events
  • Literary & Fine Arts support
  • Field Day & PE Equipment
  • Assistance for students in need
  • Classroom supplies

The fundraiser kicks off on Friday, February 7th and closes on Friday, February 21st. We will announce our final results at the Reed Spirit Rally on Friday, February 28th!

How You Can Help:

  • Donate generously to help us reach our $10,000 goal!
  • Share your student’s fundraising page with friends and family!
  • Take advantage of employer matching programs!


Your support is crucial in ensuring the success of this event and in providing our school community with the resources needed to enhance educational experiences for our children. Let's come together and make this fundraiser a soaring success!




Watch an instructional video here, or follow the steps below.






You can copy/paste this sample letter and share it with friends or family.

Personalize it for your student.


Sample letter as a Word Document


Sample letter as a PDF File









  • Pick up litter at recess
  • Offer to help with a task
  • Give someone a compliment
  • Smile! Your mood is contagious!
  • Write a note to someone you admire



  • Do a chore without being asked
  • Make a bracelet for a friend
  • Clean up a mess you did not make
  • Send a letter in the mail
  • Hide a nice note as a surprise
  • Help with pets
  • Leave snacks/drinks for trash collectors, delivery drivers, or mail carrier



  • Collect items to donate such as:
    • Books for the PTA Used Book Fair
    • Old towels for the Animal Shelter
    • Clothes, toys, or household items for ACO
  • Help a neighbor by raking leaves
  • Bring a trash bag on a walk and pick up litter
  • Paint rocks with a kind message. Hide them on trails for others to find.
  • Write kind messages on your sidewalk with chalk
  • Sign up for the Allen Eagle Run to support scholarships and grants for Allen ISD students and teachers


Frequently Asked Questions


How will I know if my child receives a donation?
You can choose to receive an email when donations are made on your child’s page. You can also go to your child’s page for updates.


Is my child’s page private? I have concerns about having his/her information on the internet.
His/her fundraising page can only be accessed by the people to whom you send direct links.


Do donors receive a receipt?
All donors receive a receipt, along with an email thanking them for their donation and itemizing the donation on their receipt.


If my employer offers an employer match program, will it count toward my child’s overall goal?

Yes! As long as we receive confirmation before the end of the fundraiser (February 21st) we can count your employer match toward your child’s overall goal.


Will there be progress updates?
Yes! The PTA will post updates on Facebook, the PTA website and morning announcements.


Are there prizes?
Yes! The whole school will celebrate at each $2,500 milestone. The top 3 grades (based on percentage) and top 3 students will also win prizes.


More questions?

Please contact Jason Cook at

Upcoming Events

Click here to see full calendar.


Email for more information!